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Music Team

A praise band plays contemporary Christian music during the contemporary service.  Contact: Will Haas


Music at the traditional service features hymns sung by a choir accompanied by piano and organ, along with occasional hand bells.  Contact: Sandi Brady

Piano Keys

Wednesday Night Kitchen Team

Prepares the weekly Wednesday night supper.  Contact: Dawn Berry


Media Team

Assists with audio, projector, and livestreaming for Sunday morning services.  Contact: Will Haas

sound console

Missions & Maintenance Days

M&M Days are biannual church work days that involve cleaning and repairing the church facilities as well as undergoing projects to assist church members.  Contact: Missions Deacons

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Hospitality Team

Organizes and prepares food for various church functions.  Contact: Catherine Diggs.

Quiche On Glass Platter


Freedom House

The Mount Carmel Freedom House exists to house refugees on a semi-permanent basis as they transition into a new life in America.


Click HERE to visit the Freedom House webpage.


Contact: Jen Jamerson


Community Garden at Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel Baptist Church's garden distributes produce to various local food security programs, including TABLE in Carrboro.  All are welcome to volunteer in the garden every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning.


Visit the garden's Facebook page HERE


Contact: Mary Paulsgrove


Hispanic AA Group

Mount Carmel Baptist Church hosts a Hispanic Alcoholics Anonymous on a bi-weekly basis.


Contact: Missions Deacons


Nancy Williams Hundley Group

This group meets on the second Monday of each month 2:00pm - 4:00pm.  The group supports a different mission every month, including providing supplies for the Baptist Children’s Home, providing diapers for the Pittsboro Women’s Shelter, serving monthly dinners at the Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill, serving refreshments during the annual Yokefellows meeting at the Orange/Alamance prison, and hosting Mount Carmel’s Prayer Breakfast in December.  In the summer, the group supports CORA Food Pantry’s summer snack program. 


Contact: Grace Harris

Vintage Light Balls

Care Packages

In November the church sends care packages to college students and members of the military for encouragement.


Contact: Karen Russell

Paper Packaging

American Red Cross

The church building is certified for use as a shelter in the event of a disaster.  We also have a good standing relationship with the Red Cross and host several blood drives a year.


Contact: Missions Deacons


Grief Oasis

Mount Carmel Baptist Church hosts a grief support group that meets every Wednesday 7:00pm - 8:00pm.  All are welcome. 


Click HERE to visit the Grief Oasis website. 


Contact: Joy Craig


Inter-Faith Council for Social Services

IFC – Mount Carmel Baptist Church regularly donates food to IFC’s Food Pantry.  Contact: Missions Deacons


CROP Hunger Walk – An annual walk in the Spring that raises funds for Church World Service and IFC.  Contact: Kimberly Steiner


Project 5,000 – An annual project in April that collects food for IFC’s Food Pantry.  Contact: Missions Deacons


Back to School Collection - A collection for HomeStart families every August.  Contact: Deb Berry


Angel Tree - A collection of Christmas gifts for HomeStart families.

Contact: Deb Berry


Prison Ministry

The Orange Prison in Hillsborough houses about 180 inmates.  We have worked with the inmates for the last twenty-five years, making a modest financial contribution to support the Chaplain.  During the holiday season we sell pecans to support the Chaplain.


Contact: Dick Richardson


Busy Needles

This group meets Thursdays at 11am to create blankets and clothing for those in need in our community.  This group is open to anyone, at any skill level. 


Contact: Dorothy Rand

Colorful Yarn


Our famous BBQ & Brunswick Stew takes place every November.  It is a community favorite!  Proceeds go directly towards missions.


Contact: Dawn Berry


Mental Health Oasis

Mental Health Oasis' mission is to create supportive spaces, provide resources, and promote awareness of mental health conditions and wellness through God's loving lead.  The Mental Health Oasis planning team meets every first Tuesday of the month via Zoom.  The Mental Health Oasis book club meets every Wednesday 7:00pm-8:00pm.  All are welcome.


Click HERE to visit the MHO website


Contact: Susan Evans

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Girl Scouts

Mount Carmel Baptist Church is blessed to host the Girl Scouts of Orange and Chatham Counties for their regular meetings.


Contact: Missions Deacons


Women on Mission

This group meets on the first Monday of each month at 10:30am.  They schedule monthly projects serving various charitable organizations and programs in our community.  Some of the projects include providing meals and collecting supplies for the SECU Community House and the Ronald McDonald House as well as CORA Food Pantry.  They also provide gifts and supplies to HomeStart families.  Every June they host the NC Men’s Dental Bus at Mount Carmel.  In December, the group participates in the Women’s Missionary Prayer Breakfast.  The group has voluntary $5 monthly dues that are put towards providing financial support for select missionaries, the Global Mission Offering, Women’s Missionary Union of NC, and the Baptist Children’s Home. 


Contact: Manna Traas-Chapin


Dental Bus

Every year Mount Carmel hosts the NC Baptist Men's Dental Bus to provide dental care for low income families.


Contact: Cheryl Neville and Caroline McLeod

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Shepherd's Table

The church prepares and delivers meals to the surrounding community every Christmas Eve. 


Contact: Deb Berry

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